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WE HAVE A VW VAN! Yes it’s happened! It’s happening! The van life journey has officially begun!

After a miraculous discovery 1 mile up the road, many tense messages over eBay, and an emotional rollercoaster of negotiations when the van life dream looked like it had vanished before our eyes, somehow we managed to pull off the purchase of an original 1995 VW LT 35. A van in essence, but what could and has also been described as a ‘bus’ or ‘wagon’. A true unique size, shape and look, that we feel fits perfect for SACANTICS.

Believe us when we say it’s been hard not to share this information with you as soon as the purchase was complete, but with such monumental SACANTICAL scenes I felt the reveal couldn’t be rushed and like any other post. It goes without saying we’re pretty buzzing at the moment, and still actually trying to fully process the fact we have an original 1995 VW Van.

It's mad to say the pipe dream has officially commenced! Something we never thought was achievable, attainable or even in our skillset. But if you don’t try you’ll never know. I’m learning I’ve got to take risks, I’ve got to go outside my comfort zone, and more importantly I’ve got to try and accomplish what my heart wants to accomplish.

I’m a man who knows very little about the world of cars, DIY or mechanics, but I do have a passion. A passion to live nomadically, see the world, and live more SACANTICAL. With the help and knowledge from my old man, Colin ‘Boris’ Stephenson, we shall be turning this VW LT 35 into a SACANTICAL camper like no other, which can be the vessel to our adventures.

So far we have had the van fully examined which prompted the change for a new alternator belt, oil filter, oil change, diesel filter, air filter and battery, (hence the delay in revealing the purchase). Not to mention taken the van for a 640 mile round test drive up to the Lake District to see friends and family. Which we can proudly say made it there all in one piece, with just only the 4 mini heart attacks when the wind picked up. My first time behind the wheel of such a machine, and a feeling and experience we can certainly get used to.

So there we have it, project van life is in full swing. We are looking to document the process from start to finish as much as possible on our instagram page, as we aim to turn this unique VW LT 35 into an iconic SACANTICS camper. There’s lots to do and lots to learn, and I'm sure there'll also be lots of ups and downs, but it doesn't mean we look forward to sharing this experience with you no less! Thanks for reading, and we hope you stick around for the ride!



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